
Upgrade to Featured Notification

When an author of a listing will feature his listing, the system will send an email notification to both the author and the site administrator.

Navigate to Homey Options > Email Notifications > Upgrade to Featured to find the tools to customize these two notifications.


When the author of a listing will feature his listing, he will receive this confirmation by email.

During the message customization, you can use the following variables:

  • {invoice_no} as the invoice number
  • {listing_title} as listing title
  • {listing_id} as listing id


When the author of a listing will feature his listing, the web site administrator will receive this confirmation by email.

During the message customization, you can use the following variables:

  • {invoice_no} as the invoice number
  • {listing_title} as listing title
  • {listing_id} as listing id
