
New Registered User Notification

When a new user registers on your site, the system will send two emails. An email will be sent to the user to confirm his registration and one to the administrator of the site to notify the registration of a new user.

Navigate to Homey Options > Email Notifications > New Register to find the tools to customize these two notifications.


New Registered User Notification

The user will receive this message when registers a new account. During the message customization, you can use the following variables:

  • {user_login} as username
  • {user_password} as user password
  • {user_email_register} as new user email
  • {profile_url} the link to his profile page


New Registered User Admin Notification

The admin will receive this message when a user registers a new account. During the message customization, you can use the following variables:

  • {user_login} as username
  • {user_password} as user password
  • {user_email_register} as new user email
  • {profile_url} the link to his profile page
